Fellowship’s Test

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1 John 2: 3-4
  1. Obeying God’s Commands
      1. KNOW – its use in scripture is related to an intimate relationship born of experience
      2. By keeping His Word, God’s love will be perfected (completed) in us.
      3. Love is reciprocal!
  2. Loving One Another
      1. We have to love the unlovely – if we don’t we are just like the world.  Our love for others should make us look like Jesus.
      2. We must love all people with God’s love.  This is agape love – self sacrificing love
          1. Love without expectations
          2. Our interest in only in the person’s well being

When I love God obediently then loving others will come naturally

By loving others we are growing in grace and we overflow Ps. 23
