New SS Class – 18 – 35 y/o.

Join Tim & Amy Bozeman as they kick off the Younger Adults SS class. They will meet on Sundays at 0930 am. They will be in the second classroom on the main hall. (North End). Kids – no problem, there are classes for them as well.
Begins 4/7/2024.


Choir Restart!!!!

Join us for choir review on Wednesday after Prayer services.  Plan on 30-45 mins.   We will review the next week’s songs, work on 1-2 new songs and special music by the choir is planned for once a month.
We would love to have you come make a joyful noise with us! Julie, Darian, Betty D/and Glenn


4/6 Service canceled

Is canceled due to weather. Be safe and we will see you on Sunday!


Outreach Opportunity

As you know, Caitlyn and Sam Dreggers’ house was lost Monday night/Tuesday morning.
If you are looking for a way to support them, the church is allowing donations to be brought to the glass area under the carport.  They will taken to the Dreggers’,
Caitlyn    Size 4 pants and medium top, 7 wide shoe
Sam        Size 34 pant and medium shirt, 12 shoe
Boys     4t and 5t    Shoes are 10 and 12
Thank you in advance for your prayers and donations.


6/28 Service Cancelation

Good evening church,

I am writing to inform you that we will be having services online only this Sunday, June 28. We have been notified of a possible exposure to a recent positive COVID 19 test result. Considering the health and safety of all, we feel that cancelling this week’s services is the right thing to do. We will notify you all next week with information about services on July 5.

God bless and stay safe,

Brother Tim


June 7 – In-person Services Letter

Dear Church,
We are working toward a reopening date of June 7, 2020. After talking with church leadership, we have decided we will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall for the month of June. Service time will be 10:00 with no Sunday School or nursery. Wednesday night services will continue to be online for the foreseeable future.
Please do not hug or shake hands while entering, leaving, or inside the building. CDC recommends that family units from the same household sit together and please don’t let your children roam freely. Please enter the building through the double doors under the awning. Someone will be there to open and close the door for you. Hand sanitizer will be available inside the building. We will exit through those same doors. Buckets will be placed at the exit for you to leave your tithes and offerings. We ask that you exit in an orderly fashion by sections or rows, this will be determined once we get inside. Upon exiting the building, we ask that you make your way to your vehicle and leave, do not congregate outside.
If you are sick, been around someone sick, or just don’t feel safe right now we encourage you to stay home and continue to view the services online. Only return to church once you feel comfortable to do so. Unless something changes we will NOT be providing face coverings or gloves. You must bring your own protective gear with you. Face coverings and gloves are not required, but if you feel more comfortable with them, please feel free to bring them. There will be no judgment either way.
Please be patient with us during this reopening time as things are subject to change weekly. While gathering together again is a high priority, trying to do it right is the highest priority. Know that you are loved and missed by myself and your church leadership.
I look forward to seeing you all soon.
God bless and stay safe,
Bro. Tim


Need Help

Hello, my name is Pastor Tim Bozeman.
If you are self-isolatng and need help *Picking up groceries *Urgent errands/supplies *Daily check-in/calls *Mail/package pickup. Please call or text me at (229)881-9287. I will take every precaution to ensure your well-being. I will stay 6 feet away and leave items on your doorstep. You are not alone. God bless and stay safe.


3/21 Update

But I have trusted in Your mercy; my heart shall rejoice in Your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me. Psalm 13:5-6


I do hope this finds you all doing well and I look forward to the time when we can all come together for worship. This past Wednesday we had some issues on the app with IPhones and IPads being able to view the message that went out. I do feel like those issues have been handled, but you can open your web browser and view it at There will be a worship service available on the app and website by 10:45 tomorrow. I do want to encourage you to set aside a designated time for you and your family to come together for worship. These are unchartered waters we are navigating today, so please be patient and pray for us as we try to keep you updated along the way. There has been an addition to the app this week, Weekly Bulletin, which I pray will be beneficial in helping you keep up with what is going on at SCBC. If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, let me encourage you to do so. It allows us to get needed information to you quickly and efficiently. If you need anything please reach out and let me know if I can help. God bless and look forward to seeing you all soon.


In Christ,

Tim Bozeman, Pastor


Update 03/16/2020

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

I had hoped to not have to send out this post, but I want to be a good steward of the trust that you all have entrusted me with. With the spread of this virus growing every day and with the recommendation from the national, state, and local authorities, all activities at the church have been suspended/canceled through the end of March. While I am saddened to have to make this decision, I want you all to know that I love you and pray for the safety of each of you. As I am sure you know, that while services have been suspended, the missions and ministries of the church still go on. We will still be active in our community helping where we can by being the hands and feet of Jesus. You can mail your tithe/offering to the church. I ask you at this time to remain calm and faithful by pointing others to Jesus through your decisions and actions. I encourage you to continue to trust God in these trying times and remember this too shall pass. I am still available to each of you at any time. Please call or text if you need anything, 229-881-9287. There will be a Bible study time each Sunday that you can access on the website. God bless and stay safe.

Sale City Baptist Church

PO Box 47

Sale City, GA 31784


In Christ,

Tim Bozeman, Pastor


Prayer Guide

Prayer Guide for Evening Service March 15, 2020
These are the specific things we will lifting up in prayer this evening. I hope you will join us wherever you may be as we seek God together concerning this Coronavirus that is plaguing our communities. If you can join us, we will be meeting at 6:00 this evening and would love to have you. God bless and stay safe.
1. Ask God, in His mercy, to stop this pandemic and save lives—not only in our communities but around the world,particularly in places that are unequipped medically to deal with the virus. (Isaiah 59:1-2)
2. Pray for President Donald Trump and other government leaders—international, federal, state, and local—to have the wisdom to direct us in the best courses of action for prevention and care. (Romans 13:1–4)
3. Scripture says—teach us to number our days carefully so that we may develop wisdom in our hearts.
Pray that the Lord will give us wisdom in this moment of fear as the foundations of what we know are shaken, that others would realize how fragile life is and how real eternity is, and they would see their need to turn to God. (Psalm 90:12)
4. Ask God to protect our missionaries and their families around the globe,
using this global crisis to advance His Good News to the whole world. (Mark 16:15)
In Christ,
Tim Bozeman, Pastor
