Good evening church,
I am writing to inform you that we will be having services online only this Sunday, June 28. We have been notified of a possible exposure to a recent positive COVID 19 test result. Considering the health and safety of all, we feel that cancelling this week’s services is the right thing to do. We will notify you all next week with information about services on July 5.
God bless and stay safe,
Brother Tim
Prayers for all involved. Thanks for keeping us posted. Thanks to everyone that makes these notifications possible for us all. I am asking for prayers for my sister, Diane Blum, for she has had several small strokes in the last few weeks. She has been transferred to rehab in Buford, Ga. Not sure for how long, but as long as our Father and the Doctors deems necessary. I would like to ask for unspoken prayer requests for myself. Blessings to all.
Praying for the church family. Thank you to the church leadership for making the uncomfortable decisions to help us all stay safe. Blessings, Glenn A